Microsoft Graph Webhooks 🪝 - What, Why, How & Best Practices
REMINDER - April's Monthly Office Hours is Tomorrow!Got a question about anything related to Microsoft 365 Development? Maybe it’s about the SharePoint Framework (SPFx), Microsoft Teams AppDev, SharePoint Embedded, or about today’s topic: Microsoft Graph webhooks! Join me tomorrow, April 17, 2024 at 11 AM, on my YouTube channel for this month’s Microsoft 365 Developers Playbook office hours + AMA livestream! Bring your questions, or submit a question early by replying to this email or for...
Andrew, a 20-year recipient of Microsoft's MVP award, scours Microsoft & community resources every week so YOU DON'T HAVE TO. Save time & stay informed - get the Microsoft 365 developers need + my insights and guidance on a trending topic. Subscribe to my bi-weekly newsletter & join 10,000+ fellow M365 developers! No clickbait · 100% free · unsubscribe anytime.
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